Monday, November 30, 2009


I was in an SUV with some people I know, squished next to a co-worker who I think has crush on me. He was trying to snuggle next to me. I felt kind of zombie-like, nothing seemed to phase me.

We were on our way to the beach.

I was keeping to myself on the way there, just taking in the sights out of the car window as they blurred by. I recognized the scenery to be very similar to where my beach house is in Galveston, Texas. I'm carefully looking at the houses we pass by to see if I can find my house. I see a lady dressed in a bright royal purple bell bottomed suit with an over sized matching purple top hat. I immediately recognize her to be my mom's realtor. I vocalize my discoveries.

We pull into a driveway of the house we are staying at and start walking to the beach. I can feel my co-worker's longing stare on my back but I just keep walking emptily towards our destination.

We get to the beach and it's overcast and slightly chilly but the water is warm. I start looking through tide pools in search of hidden eco-systems. Everywhere is covered in seaweed that is rotten and dead in shallow pools of water. In one pool, a family of crabs are grasping to the seaweed and they are dead and beginning to rot. Their shells are mailable and flattened. I can smell the bitter sea salt now. In all of the tide pools, there is an abundance of sea life that has all been desecrated. I can't seem to take my eyes off of this sea turtle. It is still in it's entirety but it's shell is now concave and it's limbs are lifeless.

I head to the outdoor showers and wash the sea scent off of myself.

As I round the corner of the showers, there is a locker area filled with flip flops and puddles of diluted ocean. I walk passed the locker area into a picnic area where there is one long picnic table. Everyone I came to the beach with is there, talking to my mom's realtor. I'm watching them talk but I can't hear comprehend anything.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

So Inappropriate.

I was asleep. I felt someone climb into bed with me and I ran my fingers through your hair over a familiar head. I open my eyes and you look up at me with deep concern in your eyes. I can't believe it's you and I want to know why you are sad. You said you just broke up with your girlfriend and you love me and want to be with me. I welcomed you into my arms.
There was more to this, I just don't remember. It probably wasn't significant to me.

Friday, November 20, 2009

People come into your life for a reason.

"In a perfect perfect world you could fuck people without giving them a piece of your heart. And every glittering kiss and every touch of flesh is another shard of heart you'll never see again. Until walking on your own is unsupportable."

Neil Gaiman, Bitter Grounds

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Check the CD pocket

I was in a house with a family. They were not my real family, but in my dream they were. I had two brothers.

My siblings and I snuck out of the house to sign up for a summer camp that was located ontop of a floating island. We took the flight up and went to the Welcome Center. We picked out an apartment that was close to where we were, then we pulled out the map of campus and realized the place where we had "classes" was 76 miles away, so we asked for an apartment closer.

My brothers set on their way before me so I was alone to find my way there.

The next thing I know, I see these two really tall and lanky guys walking off somewhere. I want to follow them because they are extremely attractive. A girl, who I know in real life to be one of my coordinators at work, shows up and suggests that we follow them! So we set off following them from a safe distance, I am equipped with my brand new camera.

They round a corner into an alley and as we are rounding it as well, we found out they knew that we were following them. One of the guys says "You are Drew right?" I blush, smile and say "yes." The four of us continue on together.

They stop at this beautiful meadow surrounded by marsh. It is like an oval shaped meadow with tall grass and cat-tails fencing it in. The boys start trying to find tiny critters while I get my camera set up. I take it out of the box and start taking macro images of tiny flowers. Every time I spin the focus button, it puts another, slightly different tiny flower into focus. I scroll through the flowers quickly and it reminds me of a kaleidoscope. I can't believe how beautiful everything is.

I let the girl borrow my camera for a second and I go over to where she is. Right next to her is a tiny tadpole perched on a leaf. As I walk over, it nose dives into the shallow water as if the leaf were a diving board.

I ask for my camera back so I can mess with it. As I'm looking at it closer, I notice it has scratches on it and parts that are missing and compartments that are open. I'm surprised that "newegg" would send me such a thing! I find that the battery slot has 3 different kinds of batteries in it, there is some sticker residue on one compartment and I guess in the attached CD case, there are CDs. I look through the CD's left in the CD pouch and they are all burned CDs from, I guess, the previous owner. At this point the girl comments "oh, I love that firefly song!" (I really hate that song) Then, I find a camera manual from the previous owner that has something written in red pen on it. It says "this is proof that it had a previous owner." My manual was still in the box so I knew I had proof now.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Favorite Bottle of Milk

cake, milk, aunt, artist, costume rejected.