Friday, October 9, 2009


I just got my wisdom teeth pulled the other day, so I am going to sleep with gauze in my mouth. I had a dream that I was eating cheese and I wake up in the middle of the night chewing on my gauze, gross.
I was driving home from somewhere and I took a short cut through the parking lot of my Elementary school. I was in a hurry so I was a little speedy cutting through there. As I was at a stop sign, a teacher came running out and said that she had to write me a speeding ticket. I was complacent because I actually was going pretty fast and I felt bad so I parked my car and I followed her inside the building.

I stepped into the building and I was in my 3rd grade classroom with, what I assume, was my entire class. We all appeared to be children phsyically, but mentally we weren't. My teacher was very young and happy. She asked us if we remembered writing on a piece of paper what we wanted to be when we grew up and then she handed each of us our papers.

I opened my paper and it said "I want to redesign
Aribo dog toys like Star Wars." Grown up me had forgotten what these "Aribo" toys were so I googled them. They were like My Little Ponies, but dogs instead of ponies. I then came to the conclusion that 3rd grade me was freaking awesome. We all discussed if we had or had not accomplished our life goal set by us in 3rd grade. I concluded that I did, because I am an artist and it sort of relates.

My teacher took us all on a field trip to a science or biology lab. I just remember talking to one girl the whole way about how our outlook on life changes so much over that many years. We get to the lab, which is in a different part of the building, and there are a variety of plastic sculptures of anatomy and organs. I saw older kids taking them apart and putting them back together, like they were studying. The funny thing is that one of the "older kids" was my little sister.

1 comment:

  1. When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I had a dream about eating too. But... my gauze was missing when I woke up.

