Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Return Policy

I was in a mall with a large tote bag. I was leaning with my back against the wall, tote over my shoulder and netbook in hand. I was opening my netbook and the screen kept tilting backwards, there was no resistance. It just kept tilting all the way back even if I repositioned it. I looked in my tote and I had the receipts for it so I closed the netbook, put it in my tote and kept on walking.
I was on a full school bus of people, sitting next to my friend. My friend was holding a huge bouquet of flowers. Hidden throughout the bouquet were fake butterflies on sticks. There was a monarch among them and it caught my eye. I reached for it and the entire bouquet wilted instantly. The flowers were not dead, but they all drooped over. My friend looked at me in disappointment. An athletic built guy who was a few seats up and across from us had a huge book of CD's splayed out across his lap. He picked up an "Nsync" CD and said "here this might cheer you up." He had a CD player and headphones on but instead he put his finger through the center of the CD and used the other hand to spin the CD really fast on his finger. He then used his index finger from the other hand to play the song with his nail. It played quit playing games with my heart (Is that really NSync? hell if I know).

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